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Friday, December 5, 2008 for BlackBerry® in private BETA

REGARD is pleased to announce that portfolio company this week entered "private beta" w/ for BlackBerry(r).

The Phonesheet web applications puts an end to the sticky notes and scraps paper where busy people typically jot down phone messages. Paired with the BlackBerry(r) Smartphone app developed by REGARD Venture Solutions, the BlackBerry(r) phone experience is completely transformed whereby messages taken at your office in are instantly populated into your call list on the BlackBerry. Likewise, notes taken on the BlackBerry are instantly synced back to

Anyone interested in joining the private beta contact Jan Zands at

Friday, August 15, 2008

REGARD Venture Solutions News

Besides our new logo...There have been many significant developments at REGARD Venture Solutions since the inception of this blog. We have brought on 4 portfolio companies and have been diligently working to build an ecosystem of entrepreneurs and investors in and around the Santa Monica community.

This week we secured two stellar addition to the REGARD Advisory Board; John Morris of GKM Ventures & Founder of the Tech Coast Angels LA Chapter and Kevin Jacques of Palomar Ventures. The advisory board is being shaped to streamline the process of getting companies that REGARD brings out of the incubator on the "Fast-Track" to funding.

We see this as a very symbiotic relationship as the investors will be able to provide REGARD guidance as to the type of companies they will invest in. REGARD will hone the selection process accordingly. The benefit to the VC and Angels is exposure to early stage companies and some risk mitigation of the seed stage financing.

Friday, April 25, 2008

TechZulu Interview with Steve Beauregard

Steve Beauregard, managing partner of REGARD Venture Solutions, speaks with Vak Sambath of TechZulu describing the new offering from the Santa Monica, CA based software incubator.

REGARD's newly remodeled offices are a 2 block walk from the world famous Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade and 5 blocks from the Santa Monica Pier.